Monday, December 14, 2020


 I really am struggling today . The news of the dr appt was not good . My knee is not healing as it should be . Knee replacement is the suggested next step . I’m doing what I can each day to accept where I am in life , what I have control over and how what I need to do to find contentment in my life . Part of me feels like - if I could just hug you , hold you , kiss you I’d feel sooo much better . But that is not possible and may never be . So then what do I do ? I just keeping repeating all the affirmations that I have , I sew and I keep doing something everyday oh and take stool softener ! A good poop really can make ones day . Gross I know but it did make me laugh . 

It’s Monday I can catch up on vlogmas , I can sew on rag quilt and I can get bedroom in order. Not being able to gate anyone room in my house ,in order , is really depressing. As from hobbling around when I do realize what I want to do . 

Journaling is supposed to help put these thoughts to bed or in order . Not sure why I’m fighting it . I really do want to do what’s best for me that I can do .

So do I make list everyday of what I have to accomplish before my head hits the pillow for the days end ? 

Maybe I’ll make a short list , then add more ? 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 I thought I would be clever , with the cat food on the floor . You know the stuff the cats spill but refuse to eat . So last night , when this idea hit me ; I got a dessert dish . What your cat doesn’t eat out of crystal dessert dishes or margarita glass ? 

Anyways , I’m in the wheelchair , bent over picking up cat food , praying I don’t tip over and in comes sabatian . So much sneaking this clean up mission . There I wait for him to either eat or leave ...... but with his super sonic hearing , each piece hitting the glass from floor has my mission fail . 

I tried again this morning, as coffee brews in press -four minute mission . Success I get all the pieces off the floor ! Now there are three serving dishes . Will they eat , stay tuned . 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 Well I know have a physical therapist coming to the house , it’s time to put weight in my hands and on my left leg . Boy am I sore this morning, four pounds can really work my muscles . I am trying to do the walker , touch little with left foot , using arms and step , then hop with right foot . Like a weird dance . 

Getting out of shape is soooo easy . My left foot feels weird when I stand , I can get swelling down - if I sleep with leg on three pillows. What a drag that is . Cats never leave my side , esp at some odd hour in the too early am ; when I need to pee . Imagine , leg on high three pillows and cat the size of medium dog not wanting to move and bladder like a water balloon . Never imagined this would be my life . 

There is a podcaster , for knitting , whom has a brain tumor way close to spine , non operable . As I watched the special episode of Fruity Knitting ; I cried . My bone will heal , his head may not . This makes me even more aware of how I spend my day . 

And so I go , washing fleece , dishes and then knitting , relearning to walk , excepting where I am and being grateful I can do all this . 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

In your head

How much stuff does one person really need? Nothing like being forced to be home to make me accountable. No one is here telling me I wasted money or how can I get rid of that - no one but me . So why the struggle ? If it clears out space , to just breathe or space to have space . Why does it have to be filled? What am I trying to fill ? As I get my sisters stuff out I see something being done . 

I guess that’s it for today . Clear out somebody else’s stuff . 

Music don’t ever discount  , the free change of mood, that’s not fattening ; that it provides. 

Sunday, September 27, 2020


 Netflix and knitting .  Wild Roses is the top , Ratched , Get a Life and now Criminal. Is there an app for walking with a walker , to count my steps? Is it walking or hoping ? It is getting down the hall , bending my knee as I hop is taking some abuse off my knee . It’s daunting I may not walk on two legs hmm feet till January. That would be a good way to start the year .  

This is my time for quarantine. I work at a hospital transporting instruments from the OR . Walking is half the job which I hope I will return to . 


  I really am struggling today . The news of the dr appt was not good . My knee is not healing as it should be . Knee replacement is the sug...